海外進出事業/Overseas expansion related

education/community exchange
- 中東・アフリカ進出コンサルティング/Middle east/Africa business expansion consulting
- 貿易サポート/Trading support]
- 海外イベント事業/Overseas events

社会貢献事業/Social business

Apparel manufacturing・sales・OEM
- Kipekee ECサイト運営/Kipekee EC site
- 商品開発/Product development
- OEM請け負い/OEM
Awaken yourself
When Mai Sakaue(CEO) has conducted a project with a Kenyan NGO that supports refugees slum women from sheltering to teach them skills of sewing, the representative of the organization consulted her, "Even if I support, they tend not to have consistent job and will return to poverty". She thought it might be able to create a job connecting to Japan, especially she has been involved in apparel industry from product control to promotion for her career more than 10 years so asked them to make shirts samples to see the quality The samples were very fine quality without making any detailed instruction to them. She felt it was just a big gap of accessing opportunity, they are totally skillful. By creating a business on an equal footing with local producers, unleashing their talents enriching their lives, through vibrant and colorful products, that let everyone enjoy fashion that stands out, each one can enjoy their uniqueness. We are aiming at making a bridge to create a rich world where anyone can demonstrate their individuality and talents.

education/community exchange
- 日本とケニアの地域交流/reginal exchange
- オンラインツアー主催/online tour
- Kipekee the Cafe 運営/Kipekee the cafe
Global gap in rural Japan
There are various disparities between urban and rural areas of Japan, but we realized that there are actually global disparities. In the city side, there are daily opportunities to interact with international people, only by shopping at convenience stores you have the opportunities to meet people from different countries, but not in rural areas. In close future, it will become more and more necessary to have a global network and do daily life and business. Especially for the next generation facing shrinkage in population, it is important for them to know and be used to global people. We host and support exchanges between regions in Kenya where our members are located,and students in Japan using online to enable them to interact each other.