坂上 舞 代表取締役 CEO
Mai Sakaue
国際教育NPO Kecher Africa Board member
Studies abroad in US and Denmark. Has been involved to people from more than 90 countries for both public and private. Over 10years of experience in overseas factory management to sales, domestic and overseas stores management for apparel industry. After faced maternity discriminations, she decided to built own career with own business. She is widely involved in projects that connect the world and Japan such as overseas exhibition and international symposium managements etc..

Weldon Siele CCO
ABE イニシアチブ にて東北大学に留学。自身の経験から、アフリカの特に田舎の地域の学生の情報格差による教育格差を埋める為Kecherと言うNPOを創立、現地の学生のエンパワメントを行い、アフリカ54か国に強いネットワークがある。
国際教育NPO Kecher Africa Founder
Study abroad at Tohoku University with ABE initiative program. From his own experience, he founded the NPO Kecher to fill the educational gap caused by the information of the students especially in rural areas in Africa. Empowering local students, and he as strong network in 54 African countries.

Charles Muasya COO Kenya
ケニア ナイロビ在住。ケニア側での品質管理や出荷管理等、現地の執行責任者。動画などのプロモ―ション画像の制作会社の経験を有し,オンラインツアー等やプロモーション動画の制作を担当。
Lives in Nairobi, Kenya. Local Executive officer for quality control and shipping control in Kenya. He has experience in promotion movies company. Presently, he is also in charge of producing online tours and creating promotional videos.